Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Shards of Nevermoor Pt IV

Onoz, another one!

Considering I tossed the Momeraths for minor redundancy and the fact I was not happy with their result, I went back to the drawing board and scraped something together to fill in the slight void that may have been left in the Corbie moving into their spot.

I have't really solidified the ideas behind these guys yet besides them being beautiful glass and crystal people who share souls. Still avoiding any real Living Construct rules. Glass can be as fragile, if not more so, than flesh and bone and they are still living creatures. Just weird ones. That are very pretty and sparkle. In a non-vampiric way.

Ability Scores: +2 Charisma & +1 Intelligence
Size: Medium
Speed: 30ft
Psionic Network: Resistance to Psychic damage.
Felicity of Glass: When you roll a 1 on an attack, ability check, or save you can reroll the die and must keep the new roll.
Mirror Danse: When making a save vs a magical effect that has a partial effect on a successful save, if you roll a 20, the caster must also make the same save or be subject to the lesser effect.
Past Present Future: You gain training in one additional skill of your choice.

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