Sunday, November 22, 2015

Shards of Nevermoor Pt II

This one is going to be a shorter post, I'm only going to put up the next two races. These were some of the more complicated ones despite me effectively ripping off one from Daniel. Both of these are tied to each other, for the most part. In my head/canonically they're even related to each other. Both are races from the ruined remnants of the Old World. In any case let's get to starting with those. We will start with that one I stole, first.

Instead of Tieflings I decided the vague idea behind the mongrelfolk was more appropriate. Or at least fit the concept of the world a bit better. Creatures that appear to be patchwork forms of myriad humanoids from a world that is a mash of others. Likely, lore wise, they are people who live too long next to the frayed edges of the broken world and were changed. Warped and twisted by the roiling chaos beyond... thus all the craziness and random stuffs. Mongrelfok Ability Scores: Roll 1d6 where each value 1-6 corresponds to the way your Ability Scores are laid out on your Character Sheet. Reroll threes. +1 to the Ability Score corresponding to your d6 roll. +2 to Constitution. Size: Medium but varied. Speed: 25ft; Armor does not hinder. Primordial Resistance: You have advantage on saves vs poison damage. Ancestral Chaos: Roll 1d8 -
  1. You also have resistance to poison.
  2. You have Darkvision 60ft
  3. You are trained in Insight and Persuasion
  4. You do not need to eat or drink as long as you spend one hour in sunlight per day.
  5. You do not incur two failures when rolling a 1 on a Death Save
  6. You gain a long and high jump from a standing start equal to your Strength score in feet
  7. You do not use extra movement when swimming.
  8. You have a +1 bonus to your AC.
Even Madness Has Its Methods: Choose one - you do not need to breathe or sleep; you gain a +1 cumulative bonus, up to +5, on Stealth checks made to hide for every round you stay shrouded in complete darkness; you learn the cantrip Mage Hand; you may roll again on the options given for Ancestral Chaos and keep both results.


The Agog are another race suggested to me by Daniel. They've wandered a bit further from the base concept but that one was... very hard to pin down. Which makes some sense. Where the Mongrelfolk are warped from the broken nature of the Old World the Agog are those who are broken by it trying to fix itself. Those that find themselves at the borders between realms as they come to being have their existences warped and partly erased. Somewhere between living scribbles and paintings, smudged drawings brought to life. Agog Ability Scores: +1 to any two Size: Medium. Speed: Walking speed 35ft Flexibility: You have advantage on dexterity checks and saving throws to escape bindings, grapples, anything that impedes your movement or any attempts to squeeze or stretch through unusual spaces. Bedlam's Knack: As an Action you can search through your belongings for an object that may be useful in any given situation. What you are searching for should usually not be worth more than 5g and weigh no more than 5lbs although exceptions may be made. The DM should make a roll in some way to gauge the effectiveness of this search and may include the possibility for outlandish effects. Vital Rebound: When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright you can drop to 1 hit point and be stunned for one round instead. You can do this a number of times equal to your constitution modifier before this ability is expended, you must take a long rest to recharge it.

So that's it for these two, for now. I was going to include the next race since I'm close to completing it, but that'd have left me little for the next post. So, just these. Next week the birds and... Furniture?!?

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