Monday, November 23, 2015

Shards of Nevermoor Pt III

How is a Raven like a Writing Desk? They are both Nevermoor Races!

First up we have our birds. These I fretted over for the longest time, trying to decide what I wanted to do with them. Did I want to make them Tengu or make them Kenku? I wanted to pull them away from the Aarakora, for sure, and I wasn't entirely sure if I wanted to actually give them flight. Once I actually got to work on them, though, I was happy with how they came out.

Mostly. The stats are still the most 'in question' part of these guys but part of that is the back of my mind that is telling me to toss the Momeraths and put these in their place (Yup, doin' that...). In any case you've got little Raven men and little Owlmen and I like the way they came out...

Ability Scores: Wisdom +2
Size: Small
Speed: 25ft
Flight: You have a flight speed of 30ft. You cannot fly while wearing any armor that would impose disadvantage to stealth or reduce your speed.
Path Integration: You can perfectly recall any path you have traveled.
Subrace: Caw or Hoo.

Ability Scores: Dexterity +1
Steal the Sun: You are proficient in Sleight of Hand and you gain Advantage on any Sleight of Hand checks to take something you have seen with your own eyes.
Mimicry: You may create any sound as though using the Minor Illusion cantrip. If you have a spellcasting class you may use that classes casting stat, otherwise you use Charisma to cast this spell.

Ability Scores: Intelligence +1
Darkvision 60ft
Darklisten: Whenever you make a Wisdom (Perception) check at night or related to sound you are considered proficient in the Perception skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.


And then we have these guys. At first I was going to have a variation on the Shardmind here, collective psychic energies housed in glass and crystal bodies... and then I decided against that. As much as I like the Shardmind and the Warforged I didn't want to burden this setting with a living construct that was too constructed and then, while talking to some people I decided to make a race built around The Luggage. Sapient Pearwood is still living after it's been shaped and turned into furniture or what have you, right? Magic and living wood and a strange shape that could be furniture but could also be Groot.

Ability Scores: +1 Str and +1 Con
Size: Medium
Speed: 30ft
Chest of Drawers: Your internal structures are hollow and magic in some ways. You may store items you are carrying as though your body was a container and you count as large for the purposes of carrying capacity.
Wooden Wares: You have a Natural Armor of 12 + Dex that imposes Disadvantage on stealth rolls. This does not count as armor for the purpose of any abilities.
Applied Carving: During a short or long rest you may take time to subsume some of the equipment you are carrying. In this way you can integrate items you may want to use later. You must be proficient in the use of Armor or Weapons integrated in this way and Armor you use like this overrides your Wooden Wares ability. Any items that require hands to be actively used are limited to two, just as though you were using one in each hand. Mundane items are destroyed by this process. Magic items may require magic in order to be recovered or replaced.
Pearwyrds: You do not speak as other humanoids do. You gesticulate and grunt in monosyllabic approximations of language, enough to get across varying degrees of concepts to any other intelligent creature with or without a language. This does not impede most communication or your ability to cast spells (or others abilities to determine spells you are casting) and other races may take Pearwyrds as a language in order to better understand what you are saying. You, however, can only understand languages you know. You begin knowing Common and one other language of your choice.

So, for now, this is it. Unless I do replace the Momeraths with the Corbie outright. Then I'll maybe have to figure something else out...

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